advanced obstacles #6
2019/05/04 20:00 - 2019/05/04 23:00
Kugelmugel, Antifaschismusplatz 2, 1020 Wien
event with mmths, Jad Saliba, TBA

radio riado rdiao raido rdaio ridao

!!! maybe the last event in Kugelmugel!!!


"drowning in aether" - MMTHS

In the ionosphere, part of the upper atmosphere, the quasi-tonal composer MMTHS seeks signals from forgotten ghost satellites and hidden satellite pirates. With self-built antennas, and a bit of patience, he goes after his new profession as a ghost satellite hunter to investigate rare signals from the statistical noise. The performance "drowning in aether" mediates a channel for improvisation with the ghosts of our left behind technologies.

Jad Saliba

"malleable radio topography" - Jad Saliba

Sound artist Jad Saliba conducts research in the field of radio circuit bending. In the in between of AM and FM boards, he searches for artifacts for a malleable topography of electromagnetic interference. In combination with live radio broadcasts, he creates a soundscape of complex forms and abstractly distorted language.


more infos soon
